Here is an archive of all the news posted on The Ultimate Transport Tycoon Game Repository.
UTTGR version 2 - have your say! 06th August 2004 - 23:09:26
I am currently working on version 2 of the Repository. This will be a complete overhaul of the Repository, written from scratch, with a new site design. Also, all games will be stored on the server, so no more broken links! Not only that though, but the site will be able to offer you very detailed information on games, such as maps, statistics, and more, before you even download them! More flexibility will be given with TTDPatch configurations and graphic sets, where appropriate, and the site will also be able to host OpenTTD games. See this topic on The Transport Tycoon Forums for more information, and feel free to contribute ideas or comments to the topic, or alternatively e-mail them to me. This is your chance to shape the future of this site! "PKP s.a., Poland" - TTD pushed to the limits! 15th May 2004 - 12:00:18
Gok has submitted this game which pushes TTD to the limit - well worth seeing Download and enjoy the power of TTD! Jim Powers has done it again! 18th January 2004 - 10:49:33
1,250,000 people in one city! Yes, that's a population of one and a quarter million in Sydney II, making "Outrageous Outback II" the largest TTDX city to date. The industry layout is superior in its planned commerce. Exciting ports are offered also with 3 airport spaces in Sydney II alone. Enjoy! Announcing the world's largest TTD city! 06th December 2003 - 11:58:20
I've just added some new games by Jim Powers. One of them, "Extreme Cities", has the largest city that has ever been seen in TTD - with a population of over half a million! Yes, that's half a million! Download the game today to see for yourself! Broken links again... 18th July 2003 - 09:35:57
They keep coming back... :( I just wrote a script to check through the list of games and produce a list of broken links. There are quite a lot of them. I'm trying to get in touch with the webmasters of some of the sites which had a lot of broken links, and soon, I will write a script to copy all the available games on to this server, so we don't lose them the same way as we lost many other games. If you find some links that are broken, try going to the appropriate web site first. I must admit, many of the links to my own games are currently broken, as I moved servers and haven't updated the links yet. Please bear with me on this. Many broken links fixed 23rd November 2002 - 12:38:47
Many broken links (over 150) have been fixed. In particular, the links to Transport Tycoon Deluxe Scenarios and Tycoon Heaven have been fixed.
If you find any more broken links, please send me an e-mail and I will see what I can do about it. New games by Ben Cookman added 21st October 2002 - 05:15:02
Some new games by Ben Cookman have been added - Ultimata and Woods all Round. Both very interesting complex yet efficient train networks. New game uploaded to Repository 11th October 2002 - 09:53:00
A new game, Nevilrous Transport, has been uploaded to the Repository, and it sounds very interesting. The author says: "It is a sort of "engineering demonstration". It's very messy, but highly efficient and centers around a refinery with an output of 7000-10,000 crates per month using shared tracks."
Repository moved to new server 23rd August 2002 - 12:52:21
The Repository has been moved to a new server. If you encounter any problems with the new system, please e-mail me. I will soon be adding new features, including game upload and analysis: upload your games directly to the Repository (instead of linking), and have the Repository automatically find out statistics like amount of money. Where possible, games from other servers will be copied to the local server, so no more broken links. Check back soon for more details! New Great Britain Scenario Available! 08th August 2002 - 10:37:36
A new, revised edition of the Great Britain scenario is now available!
(For information on future plans for the Repository, see the News Archive.) Future updates 07th August 2002 - 14:01:49
In the next few weeks, I hope to look through all these games and remove bad links, and try and locate other places to download them from. I may also start mirroring more games on my own servers, to keep a 'reliable' version. A new feature where you can upload games directly to the Repository may also be introduced. More games added 16th April 2002 - 17:42:59
A couple of games by Ben Cookman have been added, Ben Transport and Multiplex. Check them out! Another game added 13th April 2002 - 21:14:35
A new saved game for TTD has been added. This has a very complex train system, with everything interlinked, and is very efficient - there are very few problem areas to sort out. Check it out! Also, if you haven't already, check out some of the Owen Transport Ltd. games added recently. Various new games added 12th April 2002 - 11:02:20
I have added some new games from Owen's Transport Tycoon Station. Check them out! New arrivals 06th March 2002 - 15:59:16
It only took 2 months - but someone's finally added a game here. Two games to be exact, as well as a scenario. Adam Transport, Adam Global and the scenario De-Railed have been added. Also, The Adam Corporation and Adam Transport Network have been updated. Enjoy. Transport Tycoon Saved Game Manager 2.1 Released! 16th January 2002 - 17:32:04
I recently released version 2.1 of my Transport Tycoon Saved Game Manager. This contains a number of new features and bug fixes over version 2.0. If you play Transport Tycoon, you will find this very useful. Get it now! More games please! 10th November 2001 - 14:52:38
I'm looking for new games. Have you played an interesting game recently? Then why not send it to the Repository? Alternatively, have you found a web site with some interesting games? If so, then tell me about it! Updating and adding games 16th September 2001 - 12:47:11
I'm currently going through the many games on this site and updating them so they have more detail, longer descriptions and so on. However, this will take a long time, as there are currently 278 games on this site! When submitting games, please include as much detail as you can. Most of the games I've received do have a lot of detail - keep it up! I've also added several new games to the site. Transport Tycoon Desktop Theme! 31st August 2001 - 20:24:04
Get it while it's hot (actually, it's been out for quite some time now <G>), the "Transport Tycoon Deluxe Desktop Themes v2.0" for Windows and Microsoft Plus! The desktop theme contains new wallpaper, sounds, cursors, replacement startup and shutdown logo screens, "Active Desktop" components, and an excellent new screensaver! New Canadian scenario 27th August 2001 - 16:03:29
Another scenario set in Canada by Mark Lane has been added. Check out Central Canada: Saskatchewan & Manitoba! Adam Transport Network - Arctic 25th August 2001 - 10:10:48
A newer version of Adam Transport Network has been added. Enjoy! Transport Tycoon Saved Game Manager 2.0 Released! 16th August 2001 - 21:41:16
I have released version 2.0 of my Transport Tycoon Saved Game Manager. This contains many new features and is a lot better than old versions. If you play Transport Tycoon, you will find this very useful. Get it now! New Games at the Repository 09th August 2001 - 13:11:29
For all those who keep tabs on alt.games.microprose.transport-tyc, the game talked about in "even more horrible junctions" is here now (remember, the one that on-one could download because of Tripod). Check it out!
I'll have some more games up soon. |