InterTrans 2028 Author: Nicolas Piguet (Search for other games by Nicolas Piguet)Date Added: 2004-01-17 Game Date: 2028 Cash: £465,531,415 Game Type: Saved Game Vehicles: 137 trains, 73 buses, 30 airplanes, 9 ships No. Competitors: 0 Average Rating: Excellent (5) Found on site: The Ultimate Transport Tycoon Game Repository Description: My best game yet, featuring a worldwide 137 train network, which runs like a clockwork. Look out for the sawmill which spits out up to 3,000 crates of goods per month. You'll need the latest TTDPatch to run this game (my version of ttdpatch.cfg is included in the zip). The game looks nice, but you might see some strange and inefficient crossings, since this is my first experiment with a bidirectional network. Click here to download InterTrans 2028 (209KB).
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