Extras menu

The Extras menu contains commands to carry out extra functions. You can access the Extras menu by using the mouse, or pressing ALT+E.

Download from the Internet...
Selecting this command will display a message box about the Download Games from the Internet feature. In previous versions, this would activate the Download Games from the Internet feature, but this has been removed from this version. You can access this command by pressing CTRL+D. Click here for more information on this.

Install Game(s) from ZIP...
This will display a dialog letting you easily extract games from ZIP files. You can access this command by pressing CTRL+I. Click here for more information on this feature.

Check for New Versions...
This command checks the Saved Game Manager for a new version of the program, and if one is found, offers to open your web browser and go to the Saved Game Manager web site. Click here for more information on this feature.