Getting more information on a game

The Saved Game Manager lets you find out detailed information about a game (as long as it's a Transport Tycoon Deluxe game - TTO games are not currently supported).

To find out more about a game:

1. Select the games you want to find out about in the source and/or destination lists.

2. Choose Get Info... from the Game menu. After a few moments, a dialog will appear similar to the following:

The Game Information dialog

If you selected more than one game, a dialog will pop up for each game.

Alternatively, you can double-click on a game in either the Source or Destination list (it doesn't have to be checked) and the Get Information dialog will appear.

NOTE: As mentioned above, the Saved Game Manager can only display detailed information on the following types of game:

Transport Tycoon Original and Compressed Saved Game version 1 files are not currently supported.