Installing your plug-in

There are two different ways of installing your plug-in, depending which version of the Manager the user is using.

Installing your plug-in with Saved Game Manager 1.2

To install your plug-in, register the OLE interface correctly in the Registry, and add the following line to PLUGINS.INI:


For the test program for example, you would use 1,SGMTestEx. If you do not want your plug-in to be loaded by default (not recommended, or the user might not know it's installed), change the 1, to 0,.

You must also update the first line, a count of plug-ins, by adding 1 to it. If you remove your plug-in, take 1 away from it.

Installing your plug-in with Saved Game Manager 2.0 or higher

Transport Tycoon Saved Game Manager 2.0 introduces a new, improved, method of installing plug-ins. It is very easy to add and remove your plug-in, without having to increment numbers, etc.

You should add an item to the [Plugins] section of PLUGINS2.INI which looks like this:


MyID can be pretty much anything, but it's best if it's unique. You could use a GUID for this, for example:


You must now create a new section called [MyID], with the same ID as above. The section looks like this:


Class should be set to the class name of your project, and Enabled should generally be set to 1. If you want the Manager (version 2.2 and higher) to attempt to self-register your plug-in if it is unable to be created, you should add the Filename entry, containing the full path to your plug-in.

To uninstall your plug-in, just remove the entries you created.

You can find the location of the Transport Tycoon Saved Game Manager installation by reading the Path registry value at the following location: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Owen Rudge\InstalledSoftware\TTSGM. You can find the version of the Saved Game Manager by reading the Version value at that same location. However, these values are only implemented in Transport Tycoon Saved Game Manager 2.1 and later.

Please note that Saved Game Manager 2.0 checks the old PLUGINS.INI each startup and if necessary upgrades it to the new PLUGINS2.INI format. It is recommended that a setup program checks for PLUGINS2.INI, and if found, uses that only, otherwise, uses PLUGINS.INI.