This topic describes the FILETYPE.INI file format. FILETYPE.INI is an INI file containing the information the Manager uses to identify saved games, scenarios, and so on.

Please note that incorrect modification may make the Manager display the wrong files, or none at all.

There are a number of sections in FILETYPE.INI. These are [Game Types], and a [Typen] section for each file type.

[Game Types] section

The Game Types section contains one entry, NoTypes. This is the number of game types that are in the file.

[Typen] section

Each game type has it's own Typen section, which contains:

This is the filter used to find the games for this file type. An example would be *.SV1.

This is the string that is used at the start of the filename during a copy operation. An example would be TRT.

This is the file extension used during a copy operation. An example would be SV0.

This is the name of the game type, which is displayed in the Source and Destination lists.

This is the text displayed in the status bar when searching for this type of file.

Full Title
This is the full title of the game type, which is displayed in the Get Information dialog. Often this will be the same as Title above.

Explorer Title
This is the title displayed in the standard Windows Properties dialog and Explorer, etc, when games are associated with the Manager. Generally this should be the same as Full Title but with "Transport Tycoon" before it - for example, "Transport Tycoon Saved Game". Do not include the climate for .SS0 and .SS1 files because Windows only distinguishes file types by the extension, not the actual file name (eg TRY01.SS0).

This is an extra piece of information that the Manager uses internally to identify certain types of game. Currently, the following are the only identifiers used by the Manager:

ID Game Type
Multi Multiplayer games
CSG 1.0 Compressed Saved Games (all versions)